Following Jesus In a Messed-up Church - Part 16
Prophecy played a vital role in the life of the early church. I think we need to recapture the prophetic in the church today. How often have we by neglect quenched the Spirit of God? How often do we error on the side of "I don't want to be weird" so I will just stay quiet?
Most churches are pretty good to obey the "fitting and orderly way" but we don't always do so good on the "everything." If prophecy is a blessing and most beneficial then we should seek to hear from God and share with others.
Next steps
Do you believe God speak today?
Do you believe God can put thoughts or a Scripture in your mind?
Do you believe God can put these thoughts or Scriptures in your mind to share with someone else?
Are you willing to "be eager" or to "desire earnestly" to prophesy?